S&S Lamb, LLC
Where to Buy
- Pierre & Sharon Schierbeek
- (231) 826-4400
- sandslamb@yahoo.com
Breeds + Varieties
About the Farm
From the green pastures of northern Michigan, the farm's legacy began in 1932 with Grandfather Neal Catts and his wife Jennie starting a dairy farm. Son Ray, the second generation, transitioned to raising beef cattle. In 1985, Granddaughter Sharon took over, expanding to beef, lambs, turkeys, and hogs. Sheep were introduced through local 4H programs, and today, Adam and Sharon manage the farm, with Pierre as the 'Market Man'. The farm now sees involvement from the fourth and fifth generations, including Great Grand-daughter Hannah and the great great grandkids.
The farm employs rotational grazing for large animals and raises smaller animals free-range in portable growing pens. All animals are raised without chemicals, antibiotics, feed supplements, or hormones. The farm produces its own winter hay without pesticides or fertilizers and sources grains from neighboring farmers to support the local community. Large animals are processed under USDA inspection at a small family-owned processor, while small animals are processed on the farm. A commercial kitchen on-site allows for the creation of products from the farm's meats.
The Rest
The farm is a popular place to visit, with many stopping by to see the variety of animals. Visitors are encouraged to call ahead. The farm participates in the Fulton St Market in Grand Rapids, MI, from the first Saturday in May through the last Saturday in October, and from the first Saturday in November through the last Saturday in April. The farm is dedicated to making sustainable choices and preserving the small family farm way of life.