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Wild Gourmet Food

Wildcrafting business supplying high-end restaurants and a CSA with ethically gathered wild foods and medicines from Vermont's woods and fields.
Wild Gourmet Food

Where to Buy

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  • 802-673-4838
1281 Blood Brook Rd, Fairlee, VT 05045


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Breeds + Varieties

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About the Farm


With over 80 years of combined experience, the founders have dedicated their lives to hunting and gathering wild foods and medicines in Vermont. Their expertise has not only supplied high-end Vermont restaurants but also led to significant activism, including testimony before the U.S. National Research Council's Committee on Prospects & Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests in 1995.


The business emphasizes ethical wildcrafting, ensuring that all gathered foods and medicines are collected responsibly from the woods and fields. Their approach respects the natural environment, aiming to sustain the delicate balance of the ecosystems they forage in. This philosophy extends to their Wild CSA programs and Wild Mushroom of the Month Club, where they share the bounty of their ethical gathering practices.

The Rest

The founders also run the Wildcrafting Farm Skills Intensive, a certification program for aspiring wild food gatherers. They have a Wild Store, known as Your Wild Pantry, offering a variety of wildcrafted gourmet ingredients. Their work has been showcased in meals prepared by renowned chefs, such as a completely wild meal for a visiting delegation of Japanese bakers hosted by King Arthur Bread.