Harrietts Bluff Organic Farm

Certified organic farm offering U-pick blueberries.
Harrietts Bluff Organic Farm


  • Gerard Krewer
  • 229-392-1388

Where to Buy

Nothing listed, contact the farm for more info
762 Pine Drive (use 1 Pine Dr. for GPS or Mapquest-farm at end of Pine Dr.), Woodbine (Exit 7


No products listed

Breeds + Varieties

No varieties listed

About the Farm


The farm has been providing certified organic blueberries for visitors to pick themselves since at least 2015.


The farm adheres to organic farming practices, ensuring that the blueberries are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

The Rest

Visitors can pick their own blueberries for $2.79 per pound, and the farm is open daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the picking season, which typically runs from late April to mid-July. It is recommended to call ahead for availability.