Green Hills Harvest

Organic dairy farm producing milk from Jersey-cross cows.


  • Kerry and Barb Buchmayer
  • (660) 244-5858


Where to Buy

Nothing listed, contact the farm for more info
14649 Hwy M., Purdin, MO 64674


No products listed

Breeds + Varieties

No varieties listed

About the Farm


Green Hills Harvest has garnered attention for its exceptionally creamy skim and 2% milk, leading some customers to question if the products are mislabeled.


The Buchmayers feed their cows a limited amount of organic grain to supplement the fresh pasture, providing about 1/3 to 1/2 as much grain as is typically fed in a standard dairy. The milk is free from hormones and pesticides.

The Rest

Green Hills Harvest milk products will soon be available in select stores in the Kansas City area.