Dandelion Hills
- Diana Stephens
- (989) 284-8521
Where to Buy
Breeds + Varieties
About the Farm
Located in Caro, Michigan, Dandelion Hills was established to provide healthful food to the family and local community. As of February 2016, they began taking orders for eggs, pastured chickens, turkeys (heritage and standard), and Pekin ducks, raising enough for customers who pre-order their birds in the spring.
The farm employs a rotational grazing system for their pasture-raised laying hens, moving a portable coop every 1-2 days and the surrounding electric fencing every 1-2 weeks. This ensures a continuous supply of fresh greenery for the hens, resulting in deep orange yolks. The pasture benefits from periods of rest and regeneration. Hens are fed homegrown GMO-free fodder and supplemented with locally-grown organic feed and oyster shell grit. Broiler chickens, Pekin ducks, and turkeys are housed in portable shelters moved 1-3 times a day to fresh pasture, allowing them to express natural behaviors like scratching for bugs and nibbling on grass. Ducks have access to a pool for grooming several times a week. All birds are fed homegrown fodder and locally-grown organic feed, often fermented to enhance nutritional value. Poultry processing is done on-site to ensure humane treatment and cleanliness.
The Rest
Future plans include offering fruits, vegetables, honey bee products, homemade duck eggs, quail and quail eggs, laundry detergent, herbs, flowers, seeds, and more at a roadside stand. Visitors are welcome to stop by or place orders online.