Avant Gardens Farm & Mushroomery

Farm supplying heirloom, exotic, and hard-to-find cultivars of everyday vegetables.
Avant Gardens Farm & Mushroomery


  • Bethany Maizel
  • (440) 855-5687

Where to Buy

Nothing listed, contact the farm for more info
223 Youngstown Lowellville Rd, Lowellville, OH 44436


No products listed

Breeds + Varieties

No varieties listed

About the Farm


Avant Gardens began with the goal of providing unique and rare varieties of vegetables to enhance the culinary experiences of home chefs and food enthusiasts.


Focused on growing the healthiest, most nutrient-dense food, the farm emphasizes a colorful yet palatable approach to produce, including a variety of mushrooms and vegetables.

The Rest

Sharing their produce is described as a labor of love.